
Objective Centric Risk and Uncertainty Management

Senior Management and Board Briefings on

the Business Case for Change

We provide a concise overview of the global escalation of strategy, risk and assurance oversight expectations and the business case for moving from traditional risk-centric ERM and internal audit to Objective Centric Risk and Uncertainty Management. Business benefits and implementation options are covered.

Risk Oversight Solutions
Objective Centric Risk And Uncertainty

Management Implementation

Quickstart do-it-yourself packages or full implementation support

  • Virtual approach orientation and training modules - what is Objective Centric Risk and Uncertainty Management and why it's better.
  • Training for implementation risk and/or internal audit sponsor teams on how to plan, implement, and maintain a sustainable, strong 1st line risk and uncertainty management framework.
  • Training and reference aids and sample presentations and corporate policies.
  • Facilitator, trainer and internal audit training.
  • For smaller organizations full implementation services on a fractional/part-time basis.
Objective Centric Risk and Uncertainty Management for

Software & Consulting Firms


Momentum is accelerating to move from traditional risk centric ERM and Internal Audit Methods to objective centric risk management. COSO ERM 2017 and ISO 31000 2018 call for it. The new IIA THREE LINES MODEL calls on all the lines to focus on managing risk/uncertainty top value creation and preservation objectives are achieved. The IIA 5th generation internal audit is "objective based. We offer software companies free software specs for objective centric ERM/IA software and are available to help with development and marketing.